

2005年5月的一个周一晚上, Lakeland Christian valedictorian Kathryn Kimball stood on the Branscomb Auditorium stage and challenged her fellow graduates to allow the Lord to lead them into the future. 拥有LCS教育和一长串的奖项和成就, 凯瑟琳希望她将来从事医学领域的工作. 但在接下来的几年里,她接受了自己的建议, Kathryn watched as God led her down a path very different from what she had planned for herself.  


说凯瑟琳是LCS的好学生是轻描淡写的. 她的高中简历包括毕业班学生代表, 陆军预备役国家学者/运动员奖, 赫夫琼斯校长领导奖, 获得公民奖和无数学科领域奖项的银花环提名. 她甚至在ACT的英语部分获得了满分. 

除了她的学术成就, Kathryn was involved with student government and served as class president during her junior and senior years. 她参加了足球比赛, 排球, 越野赛和田径队, 她还学了九年钢琴课. 

凯瑟琳的所有成就, one moment stands out as of particular significance: “One of my fondest memories from Lakeland Christian was Mr. Musick’s nomination of me for Nerds-R-Us; he put “Karl Kimball” on the ballot. 你必须是男性才能加入[俱乐部], 所以直到今天,我都觉得自己是《ladbrokes立博中文版》里唯一的伪女性. 这是一个意想不到的荣誉. 我很激动!”


After graduating from LCS, Kathryn went on to Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. 她一开始是学生物的,但是, 像许多学生一样, changed her major a couple of times before settling on a degree in economics with a minor in philosophy. 

“我认为这是一种很好的平衡,因为哲学教会了我如何思考, 经济学教会了我世界是如何运转的. It allowed me to see how the two disciplines intersect: limited resources drive society’s decisions, 但是,思想会影响文化的优先事项,从而为决策提供信息,凯思琳说. 

在“共享希望国际”实习, 一个反对性交易的非营利组织, confirmed that law school was the next step for Kathryn once she finished her economics degree. “The importance of what they did struck me, and most of the people in the field had law degrees. 这似乎是帮助对抗这些社会不公的必要学位.” 


Kathryn graduated from Covenant in the spring of 2009 and started her law degree at the University of Florida that fall. 

“这(法学院)是我所经历过的最紧张的学术环境. 我一进去就知道会是这样, but I don’t think I quite comprehended how much more consuming it was going to be than an undergraduate program. 我真的想在那里尽我最大的努力. 我知道那是上帝想让我去的地方,我为此献身, 三年里百分之百的付出. 我学会了如何更长时间、更努力地工作.”

“我过去常常把所有事情都计划好,知道自己要做什么, 我开始了解到,机会会出现,比我计划的要好.”

Three years of diligence paid off for Kathryn when she graduated at the very top of her class. She also “booked” eight courses  (the LCS equivalent of going to the “fruit room”) for the highest grade earned in a course.  

我想了想, ‘I have no idea how I am going to compare to the other students because I’m coming from a small school,’”凯瑟琳说. “但我尽我所能去学习和学习材料, 然后祈祷把结果交给上帝. 他们会在你第一年之后告诉你你的班级排名. 我震惊地发现自己的立场. 在我知道之后,它增强了我继续追求卓越的愿望.”


Kathryn is starting her legal career as a clerk at the federal district court level for a judge in Tampa. The district court is the trial court level where people file complaints and make motions. 她每天都在为法官做研究和写作. 

After her time at the district level, Kathryn will transition to another clerkship in Birmingham. 

“以我目前的工作, I handle cases where they first enter the judicial system —  the attorneys file complaints, 提出动议,最终上庭. 这是第一轮评审,”凯瑟琳说. “然后,如果其中一方想要向地方法院提出上诉, 它向第十一巡回上诉法院提交了一份摘要, 另一方会做出回应. 那就是我明年将在伯明翰担任书记员的法院. 在上诉阶段, we will read the briefs from the parties based on what happened at the district court level where I’m clerking right now and then decide whether the district court decision should be affirmed or reversed.”



“我过去常常把所有事情都计划好,知道自己要做什么, 我开始了解到,机会会出现,比我计划的要好,凯思琳说.  

“当我开始的时候, I was thinking that I would like to work for International Justice Mission because of my externship with Shared Hope … something that sounds very noble. And I still think it is very important work, and I would be thrilled if that’s where my career led. As I’ve experienced new legal arenas through working as a summer associate in a law firm and as an intern in a prosecutor’s office, I’ve realized there are many ways that you can seek justice in this world without having that label.” 

然而,她确实知道,她想以法学院教授的身份教书. “I’ve always enjoyed the academic setting, and I love helping students also experience that joy. 即使只是作为一种辅助,这也是我有兴趣做的事情.”


当谈到她的学术准备时, 凯瑟琳感谢她在LCS的这些年里所接受的全面的教育. When she started at Covenant as a biology major, the science classes she had taken with Mr. Mike Musick和Mr. 杰夫·Stabler为她准备了严格的大学生物和化学课程. 她从奥巴马先生那里获得的数学背景. Steve Livesay gave her the necessary tools she needed to succeed in all of the heavily math-based classes required as an economics major. 她把这归功于. 亚历克西斯·利弗塞和太太. 感谢Judy Oncu为她准备大学水平的写作, 尤其是在法学院的舞台上,她被要求分析, 善于表达, 在考试和文章中捍卫自己的立场. 

LCS也让她为课堂之外的生活做好了准备. “LCS给了我学习的乐趣, 但我也认为它强调了全面的学生, 参与ladbrokes立博中文版, taking on leadership roles and seeking the betterment of the community in which you’ve been placed,凯思琳说. 

“Attending Lakeland Christian for 13 years also instilled in me the importance and the privilege it is to continue to learn and not to take those opportunities for granted. This was done in a very scripturally-based context where I was encouraged to think about how my faith informs what I am doing in the world. 信仰和生活并不是我生命中两个独立的部分.”

“我想到了我的工作, 无论是学术还是现在的书记员, 这是我为上帝所做的事, 我要为他尽我所能. I continue to strive to serve Him and I think that means giving your absolute best to whatever you’re doing and serving with a focus not to glorify yourself but to glorify Christ. LCS给了我小时候和十几岁时的基础, 我相信我的余生都是基于这个愿景.”


The road from Lakeland Christian through law school and now to her budding career as a lawyer has not always been an easy one. 除了学业上的压力,凯瑟琳还面临着, 她的人生道路包括离开熟悉的社区,在新的地方重新开始. She offers several important pieces of advice to current Lakeland Christian students as they prepare for the future. 

首先,要意识到离开LCS是一种调整. “你可能会感到孤独,”她说. “I think everyone experiences loneliness when you first go to college or move into a new situation. It’s not going to last forever; it’s just a temporary situation.” 

第二,知道你相信什么,并依靠你所知道的可靠的事实. “当你遇到怀疑或挑战时,要知道有
a firm foundation for what you believe and that your faith is grounded in Christ and not on the most recent thing you’ve learned. It [your faith] shouldn’t be swayed by circumstances; it must be rooted in Scripture. My encouragement is to get involved with like-minded people at whatever school or environment you’re in. 在一个鼓励你的社区里是很有帮助的.”

Finally, make sure that you are following your own path and not one set for you by others. 凯瑟琳说:“现在就开始制定你自己的个人目标吧. 你想完成什么? 你觉得你被召唤去做什么?  为此祷告,寻求你的恩赐. 如果你知道你的最好成绩可以达到100分,不要满足于90分. I think that’s very important … to start thinking critically now about what gifts you have and how you’re going to use them and let that calling be yours and not just what your parents’ expectations are.”


祝贺被提名的校友凯瑟琳·金博尔·米泽尔! 唐纳德·J. 特朗普于8月12日宣布了他的司法提名人, 2020, which included Mizelle for a Judge position on the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida. 点击这里阅读文章.